Cortegaça, Portugal
And here i was back to my home, that sincerly i don´t know anymore where it is. Silvia was not there waiting for me, she had stayed in there new life in Mozambique. Instead, Cristina, another emigrant (in Colombia) who was here for a short period of vacations, picked me up.
And here i was back to my home, that sincerly i don´t know anymore where it is. Silvia was not there waiting for me, she had stayed in there new life in Mozambique. Instead, Cristina, another emigrant (in Colombia) who was here for a short period of vacations, picked me up.
A welcome party came up, which is usual among my friends. There is always a good motive for a party. Especially now, that there is always someone close that had to move away. I feel this side also, right now. The side that sees husbands or wifes, or parents, or brothers or sisters or close friends going away, far. The deep missing sensation that cuts our souls, the wave of feelings that drawn us, the big hole that we feel inside, the insecurity of the life, the overload of work that remains for those who stay. Truly, emigrating is experienced by both, who depart or who stay.
I arrive on that beach house, always ready to let love flow. The Palheiro de Cortegaça that belongs to friends of my cluster. I feel in peace with all those brothers and sisters and sons and daughters, and friends around me, welcoming me back and holding together the sorrow for those that are far. Vitor (who departed sometime ago in the eternal emigrancy) flew into my mind, and made me remember of flower power. And so, Jim Morrison (Road House Blues) and Queen (Bohemian Raphsody) were chosen as the emotional base for the movie.
Hope you like it. The music i´m sure you all like. It is intemporal.
I´ll be seeing you
KISSING AFRICA - The side of the other side from nunocruz on Vimeo.
Pois é assim. Depois de uma catrabanzada de horas de aeroportos e aviões (Blantyre, Joanesburg, Maputo onde por 3-4 horas fui o unico passageiro na sala de embarque, Lisboa) lá aterrei no Porto, onde a Silvia (emigrada em Moçambique) não me esperava, mas esperava-me uma outra emigrada (na Colombia) que estava cá de férias.
Chego a essa cabana tão ao jeito do amor, que é o palheiro de Cortegaça. Pertença de gentes do meu cluster. Sinto o carinho de todos eles, filhos, irmãos, amigos, e sabe-me bem esse afago gargalhento com que me recebem (pela minha chegada) e com que se solidarizam (por aqueles que tenho lá longe). Lembro-me do Vitor, esse que se foi na emigrancia eterna (aquela que todos teremos de enfrentar). Sinto a saudade de vê-lo ali. Vem-me à mente o Jim Morrison (Road House Blues) e os Queen (Bohemian Raphsody), desse tempo magnifico que foi o flower power. Construo o filme em cima das emoções desses tempos trazidos pela intemporalidade da música.
Deleitem-se. Até um dia destes.