Visualizations since May 2010

terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2016

TRAVELING IN MY HOMELAND - Porto de Mós and Serra D'Aire

Porto de Mós, Serra D'Aire, Aljubarrota and Fátima

Come along with me visiting the beautiful and historic center of my beloved country. Starting from Porto de Mós, crossing the amazing Serra Daire where, despite is greeness, no water can be seen at surface, and the stopping by in two historic places of the country:

1) Aljubarrota, where Portugal deeply carved its nationality, in the last great battle against Spain in the long fight we have for our land won by our side as a result of a revolutionary tactic that has a place in the military history of the world,

2) Fátima, one of the most famous catholic sanctuaries, where Holy Mary is believed to have appeared to three sheppard children (Lúcia, Jacinta and Francisco).

I leave you with and Swear & Shakeand (Wrecking ball, These white walls and Suddenly) 
and with hugs for everybody that should be given further in a warm and surprising hug to anyone that may enjoy it

TRAVELING IN MY HOMELAND - Porto Mós and Serra D'aire from nunocruz on Vimeo.

Mira D'Aire Karstic Caves from nunocruz on Vimeo.

Venham daí comigo e com os e deleitem-se com a peculiar beleza da serra que bebe toda a água que lá cai (uma serra sem rios nem riachos é uma coisa digna de nota), a Serra D'Aire. Partindo pela porta de entrada de Porto Mós, cruzando toda a serra e passando depois por dois locais plenos de História, distintivos na nossa portugalidade: 

1) Aljubarrota, onde fruto de uma tatica ousada e inovadora, derrotamos defenitivamente os espanhois na nossa luta pelo território 

2) Fátima, um dos santuarios católicos mais significativos do mundo, que representa as aparições de Nossa Senhora aos três pastorinhos, Lucia, Jacinta e Francisco.

De resto, deixo-vos com os  Swear & Shake (Wrecking ball, These White Walls, Suddenly)
e com...
abraços para todos, sugerindo que os retribuam com um abraço bom, apertadinho, reconfortante e surpreedente a quem vos aprouver.