Visualizations since May 2010

quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009

A PhD on the Road (Brasil)

And this was my last night with my folks. A lot of noise, hapiness, Caipirinha and Capoeira

And i learnt an important thing with my Brazilian Friends

"It doesn´t matter to avoid the Fall
What it matters is knowing how to get up again"

Tomorrow i´ll be leaving to Paraná. My Folks just go along with me up to Urubu Waterfalls, and then our ways diverge again.

Kisses and hugs

Uma História de Peão - O Festim habitual from nunocruz on Vimeo.

E assim passei uma noite bem saborosa com a minha tribo. Pandega, alegria, Capoeira e Caipirinha. Noite Boa.

E lá aprendi uma coisa fantástica com os meus amigos do Brasil...

"Não importa evitar a queda

Importa, isso sim, saber levantar".

Amanhã arranco para o Paraná. O meu povo acompanha-me até à Cachoeira do Urubu e depois sigo sozinho rumo a sul.

Beijos e abraços

2 comentários:

Dicky van den Broek disse...

O, Brasil..., that brings back happy memories: dancing a whole afternoon in a music store in Rio; drinking caipirinha in some bar in the outskirts where I was not supposed to go, but just went in my jeans with a plastic bag, talking and laughing with the brazilians; sailing among the islands near Sao Paolo...

By the way: we always knew how to get up after some caipirinhas... I suspect you thought them... :)

Have more fun!

Nuno Cruz disse...

Of course i taught trhem. That´s my real PhD.

Miss you a lot, my love. We have to manage to cross together again. For a night plenty of drinks

Love you